Modeling Chocolate - FAQ

What is modeling chocolate?
Modeling chocolate paste is made from a mix of syrup and chocolate.

What is the texture of modeling chocolate?
Modeling paste has a thick pliable texture.

How does modeling chocolate taste?
Usually modeling paste has a sweet, tangy, toothie taste.

What is it used for?
Modeling paste used for making different kinds of cake decorations from flowers to figures to embossing and creating several types of patterns.

Difference in modeling chocolate and fondant?
Modeling chocolate is a by product of chocolate while fondant is a confection of sugar.

Difference in modeling chocolate and chocolate making?
Chocolate making is a moulding process (creating recipes) while the former is a crafting process.

Can modeling chocolate replace fondant?
Usually it is possible to replace modeling paste with fondant in almost most decorations.

Can modeling chocolate be coloured?
Yes. White modeling paste can be coloured.

Does the consistency of different modeling chocolates vary?
Yes. Milk and dark are similar but white needs to be worked quickly.

Can modeling chocolate be made from compounds and covertures (pure chocolates)?

Does climate affect modeling paste?

Can modeling chocolate creations be eaten?
How long can modeling chocolate be stored?
In an airtight package modeling chocolate would last for a month, in a cool dry place. It would last for a couple of months in the refrigerator.

Does modeling chocolate dry up like fondant or gum paste?
Modeling chocolate is moist and therefore does not dry up.

What tools are required to work with modeling paste?
Fondant tools and cutters work for modeling chocolate as well.

Is butter cream icing needed before covering cake with modeling paste?
Yes. To get a smooth even surface to work on.


What is the difference in covertures and compounds?
Covertures or pure chocolates have several ingredients along with cocoa butter or cocoa fat, while compounds are made up of vegetable fat.

What is chocolate tempering?
Tempering is a process of heating and cooling pure chocolates to ensure that the cocoa butter in the chocolate hardens in a uniform crystal structure. A well tempered chocolate has a smooth texture, is shiny and snaps well. on breaking or biting.

Does temperature affect chocolate making?

Does weather affect chocolate making?

What are the different methods to temper chocolates?
Tempering can be done through tabling and seeding method.

Is thermometer essential in chocolate making?
Yes at most times.

Does temperature affect silicone moulds?

What is cocoa butter?
Cocoa butter is a complex fat.